
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hey SocialCardster ... calling all of you out there...

The Term SocialCardSter is coined by The BenSpark (http://www.benspark.com/socialcardsters). This is for those bloggers who are on SocialSpark and on Entrecard.

Ben Spark is compiling a blogroll for all such "socialcardsters". :D)

Idea is that you can copy the blog roll and add it to your blog, if you like and then you can then add the SocialCardsters image to under your Entrecard widget. It would look like this. Ben’s commitment to this blogroll includes dropping on your blogs and clicking on the blog you are advertising. Both will help improve your EC worth. Ben will also try and comment each week, not each day, he still has a full time job and needs to blog himself but will try and comment when he can.


1 comment:

BenSpark said...

Hi There,

Thanks for blogging about Social Cardsters. Did you take the spark on Social Spark to write about this? Thanks so much. Have you sent me a friend request too. I didn't know about this blog and will certainly add you to the list. Thanks again.