
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Earth Day April 22nd 2009

The Earth Day April 22nd 2009.

A day specifically to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment.

Mother Earth has given us so much. It would keep blessing us and our future generations. This day we celebrate those blessings. Share our gratefulness towards our mother planet The Earth. While going through those grateful moments towards Mother Earth, we the earthlings would have to look forward. To realize our responsibility towards our Mother planet. We would need to use each resource like water, food, forests, animals, fishes, land and oceans very thoughtfully. The thoughts and rigorous practice of those thoughts which would enable our future generations to re-use, to preserve and to protect these resources and our Planet for years to come.

On March 28, 2009 at 8:30 pm World Wildlife Fund society has asked corporations and individuals to switch off light for an hour calling it as an Earth hour. This is to signify that if we all put efforts together, smaller thing can make big impact on the climate.

On this day,in humble manner, I am too planning to practice earth day resolutions.

  • Turn off water tabs.
  • Switch off each light in the room which is not occupied and not used. Or which is well lit and ventilated.
  • Recycle all used papers, older newspaper and magazine as well as other goods.
  • Use Energy efficient bulbs and electronic equipments.
  • Dry washed cloths in open air.
  • Most importantly teach ( or preach) these principles to my future generation so they can practice it too.

Some Interesting Websites for The Earth Day:

May I ask what are your resolutions or practices on this Earth day to protect our Mother Planet and its habitants?

What do you think the Earth Day celebration?

Please do share your thoughts, inputs, ideas about the Earth and protecting it. :D

Happy Earth Day ...

Special Thanks to Bobbie Peachey,http://webclipart.about.com for copyrighted Clip art.

1 comment:

Inspector Clouseau said...

What's unfortunate is that there is so much confusion right now amongst the public regarding global warming, because I suspect that this event was lumped in with all of the emotion which people have about that singular issue.

Even assuming, for purposes of argument, that there is no such thing as global warming, there are lots of other things to which we should pay more attention environmentally.

We also suspect that the global economic meltdown killed some of the momentum which could have been generated surrounding this event. We can not be deterred despite the detractors.