In one breath, I can say they have added wonderful things like
- Street View
- Photos and Wikipedia
- Options to choose directions for Car, Walking and public transit
- My Maps: Map Editor
- Collaborate your creations
- Import Map
- Know about Traffic
- Regular Options to see Regular Map or Satellite view or Terrain structure
This is so nice. Click on "Street" button, and it will say to Zoom in to street level ...
and next click on a small person icon will show you a photo of the actual street.
Next feature is inclusion of options menu to choose to see photos and/or Wikipedia entries for the street. It is a check box option which enables and disables thumbnails from the street map.
Right below "Get Directions" and source-destination address text boxes, there is one drop down box. This allows you to choose if you like to see directions for Cars or walking or public transit.
Hum, looks Google want to make it easy to make your mark on the maps. My Maps will allow you to create maps, to draw shape and add test to it, to draw lines,to add a placemark and to set/edit maps.
Then you can either collaborate or import those maps with easy single click.
Importing map is another cool idea which is been added. Import KML option will add map data from a KML, KMZ, or GeoRSS file to newly created map. It takes a little while depending on the speed of internet connection.
The traffic button either allow to see live traffic or to check what would be happening in near future.
There are many more things to tour around and to discover and to hack...
Here is the complete picture of Google Map :
so enjoy...and hey please do not forget to let me know which feature you like most....