
Friday, October 9, 2009

Clixpy a usability tool for webmasters, bloggers and designers

Clixpy a usability tool for webmasters, bloggers and designers

Like to find out how usable your site is ? What actions does visitor take at your site ? how user session has progressed  ? Well, you can get all this insight and more using Clixpy. It is a online tool which captures every user visit, page view, page load and other important things. It tracks everything your site’s users do: mouse movement, clicks, scrolling, form inputs. You can watch and examine videos showing your users’ actions.

Also Clixpy guides to features which are difficult for visitors to use and which are easy, where your users spend more time and importantly why they leave your website. When equipped with this knowledge, you can optimize your landing pages and may convert visitors to be subscriber, clients and/or regular visitor.

If this all made you curious and would want to try the tool to garner more detailed information of your web site, please visit Clixpy.

There are two ways to experience Clixpy. You have 9 free sessions or you can buy more sessions. In first 9 free sessions, you can use Clixpy with as many domains and sites as you like.You can buy 100 captures to 1000 captures for a price range of $5 to $50 respectively. And you get to use your PayPal account. :D)

Registering is easy. Share your email, provide password and may "optionally" provide company name, company website link . The registration will be followed by a activation email sent to your email address. So make sure you give correct address. Once you have actiation email, click on activation link and login with user id ( i.e. email address) and password.

First login will take you to a page with three tabs. Play Session, Install and Buy Captures. Install tab will be active. Copy javascript from install tab, insert the script to your website's template/html source just before end of head html tag.

The same script could be used on multiple domains and sites. And you will have a choice to play sessions from each domain or particular website. IF you are interested in playing demo of the Clixpy, you can take a look here.

Here is the screen shot from my account:

My first session has been captured and ready to be played as seen in this screen shot.

  • First observation is that You can turn on and off session tracking using the "Tracking Session" on/off button.
  • Second thing if you do not want your browser to be tracked, especially if you have eCommerce site and you keep performing money transaction, then you can disable Clixpy for your site especially where you are asking user is entering credit card by manually adding attribute noclixpy="true" to such elements.
  • Third good thing I have liked is I can use Clixpy in IE 8, FireFox 3.5.x, Safari 4.x and Chrome with similar experience and no issue so far. 
  • It could not track Flash session though. 
  • No visible difference in page load or user activities as it uses tiny javascript with AJAX. 
  • If you do not want your browser to be tracked by Clixpy. Then by adding a cookie Clixpy will not trace your browser.Here is the page for disabling Clixpy.
  • Last but not least, they claim that they do not track or capture any input with type "password"
